Chain-less Foundation

Chain-less foundation – that’s right I said “Chain-less”. You usually start most of your crochet projects by making a chain, then working the first row of stitches back into that chain. With these foundation chains, you make the chain and the first row of stitches at the same time! Crazy, Right?

I’m so excited to share this crochet technique with you!!!

Crochet Chain-less Foundation

Four Chain-less Foundation Chains:

  • Single
  • Half Double
  • Double
  • Triple


You have completed the Looped and Knotted Beginner Crochet Course!

You now have the skills to crochet tons of projects. Visit my Blog for more stitches and patterns.

Thank you so much for being a student!

Don’t forget to tag me when you share your work, I cant wait to see what you make!

Facebook: loopedandknotted

Instagram: loopedandknotted
